
Why Was Barbie: Life in the Dreamhouse Cancelled?

Barbie: Life in the Dreamhouse began in 2012 and was cancelled abruptly in October 2015. Why did this happen? Let’s explore.

I believe one of the key reasons the series ended was it no longer aligned with Mattel’s vision for the future of the brand. I was going through a company presentation from 2014 (as you do), and there was one slide that particularly interested me.

I’m sure we all remember these campaigns! We have:

  • ‘See what happens when you play with Barbie,’ which featured on a lot of television advertising, encouraging girls to use their imagination when playing with dolls.
  • The ‘Barbie is moving’ promotion, which introduced the new Dreamhouse toy. There were lots of events around the United States.
  • The #unapologetic movement, following Barbie on the cover of Sports Illustrated cover.
  • The Fifth Harmony ‘Anything is Possible’ music video, which was used as a promotional tool, and on television advertising.
  • Barbie and the Secret Door (film).
  • Barbie in the Pink Shoes (film).
  • And of course, the web series Barbie: Life in the Dreamhouse.

A few slides later, the Mattel’s plan for 2015 is unearthed. Firstly, we have the “Be Super” campaign. This one was really big! There was a comic book series on YouTube (in my opinion, this was not at all interesting), and lots of other advertising surrounding ways you can “Be Super,” like standing up for others, or being kind to the environment.

Image result for barbie be super

Personally, this reminded me a lot of the 2012 “I Can Be… President” campaign a few years earlier. Anyway, the whole “Be Super” thing was just to promote the new film Barbie in Princess Power.

The next campaign was for the new diverse line of Fashionistas, the beginning of The Doll Evolves line. There was a stop-motion video on YouTube to promote the dolls, as well as many news articles and a hefty amount of social media posts.

Image result for barbie fashionistas 2015

Then we have the final element for 2015, the “Superstar” part. This was to promote the Barbie: Rock ‘n Royals film.

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An early promotional image for the film. 

With this film, we saw the arrival of a new app for iPhone and iPad, and lots of posts on social media. There were lots of videos on YouTube encouraging children to “raise their voice,” and a really cool music video.

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But what about Life in the Dreamhouse?

Unfortunately, Life in the Dreamhouse was not mentioned in this presentation, so we can assume that when “The Great Rebranding of 2015 / 2016” hit, Life in the Dreamhouse did not make the cut.

Barbie: Life in the Dreamhouse might be a funny show full of unique characters and inside jokes about the brand, but at the end of the day, it’s everything that Mattel is trying to move away from. In the series, Barbie is depicted as a fashion-loving, do-everything-perfect doll whose greatest accomplishments are “having a big, pink wardrobe” and “having lots of careers.”

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As mentioned in the 2014 presentation, there were a lot of mixed messages about Barbie, as a character. It was creating too much brand confusion.

If you ask me, the reason why Life in the Dreamhouse was not renewed after October 2015 is frankly, this version of “Barbie” simply does not fit in with the Mattel’s new and improved image of “Barbie.”

In comparison, the “Barbie” that is depicted in the vlogs and in Barbie: Dreamhouse Adventures aligns better with the current brand image.

In Barbie: Life in the Dreamhouse, Mattel shows Barbie living an over-the-top doll life, with a bathtub as big as a pool, a huge mansion and a personal robot closet organiser. The show made jokes about unarticulated fingers and sand in the doll’s joints.

In comparison, Barbie: Dreamhouse Adventures downplays Barbie’s achievements -it shows her living “a regular life,” as a “human” (not as a doll). This version of Barbie isn’t a “doll with 120+ careers,” she’s just a sister, a friend, a neighbour. She’s still the same blonde icon we know and love, but now she’s much more relatable.

Am I sad that Life in the Dreamhouse is over?

Sure am. I think it was a really good, funny series, and I felt as though every single episode was entertaining. I loved the references to Barbie’s history, and I loved how fleshed-out the characters were. With at least one million views on every episode (plus more, if you include the videos that were reposted on different accounts), I’m sure it made Mattel lots and lots of money!

However, after seven seasons, we all knew the show had to end sometime or another.

Do you think “Mattel wants to change the brand image” was the reason behind the show ending? Or do you think it was something else?

Also -if anybody wants to go through the brand presentations (they are super interesting!) here is the link:


25 thoughts on “Why Was Barbie: Life in the Dreamhouse Cancelled?

  1. I only remember watching a couple of Life in the Dreamhouse episodes, maybe around ten or so. But I think it’s definitely worth noting the fact that the vlogs were introduced the summer of 2015, which was, as you mentioned, part of the changes Mattel was introducing. I think you’re right, Holly, they decided to cancel it probably because of the new content Mattel was releasing, which showed Barbie as a normal teenager vs. a doll who has it all. Though, people are apparently still asking Mattel to bring it back, which is something I personally can’t see happening.

    I’m glad you were able to watch the Dreamhouse Adventures episodes! What do you think thus far? Not to be pushy or anything, but maybe you could someday do a post regarding your thoughts on the series.


    1. Oh no I haven’t seen Dreamhouse Adventures yet :/ But I will 100% write about it when I do! (probably several times, tbh) It’s frustrating because I wish I could just buy it on DVD or something.

      Yeah, people on social media are constantly begging for LitD. Do they not realise it has been a very long time since it first released? I wonder if Mattel regrets their decision now… I find it interesting that almost nobody is begging for more films haha.


      1. Oh, sorry, I don’t know why I just assumed you’d seen it. Lesson learned-never assume anything, Lol!

        I think the major reason Mattel is releasing it on Netflix is because I believe they have some ongoing deal with Netflix. First example is Dolphin Magic releasing on that platform, as opposed to DVD. I don’t know about Australia but here in America Mattel has also released a ton of Barbie films to Netflix ranging from as recent as Starlight Adventure to as old as Princess Charm School. I find it strange they’d release the older ones since they aren’t being promoted anymore. But perhaps Mattel is getting paid every time a person watches these. I’m not sure, though. They may have discovered they could make more money this way vs. going the DVD route. Maybe…

        Yeah, it’s been over two years since Life in the Dreamhouse ended, and yet people can be found all over the place on the Internet begging for it. I’ve even seen requests on the old movie trailers asking Mattel to bring It back. Mattel undoubtedly made quite a bit of money off of it!


    2. So funny, this is 2 years old and my daughter feels the same as all the other daughters on here, new dream house adventures is lame and boring, she watches Litdh every day all day long, she walks around saying phrases from the show, so I find myself looking up why it was cancelled and if its ever coming back, also scouring e bay for dolls from the show wich imo are far superior in quality and style to anything they’ve ever done, if they won’t bring back the show maybe they could at least re release the dolls for fans of the show that dont want to spend 200 on a doll that was 20 or 30 max at the time they were released, Mattel made a big mistake, there dolls now are so boring with absolutely no flair or personality like litdh dolls, Rip Raquel but you will always live in our home


      1. I love your comment! I’m 11 years old and really don’t like the new shows or dolls. They are just so boring compared to litdh. I love watching the old barbie movies and litdh much better than the new stuff. litdh had so much more personality and flare than the new shows do. The shows and new movies are just not the same and I think me and a lot of other fans hope Mattel realizes that. Raquel will live forever in my heart as well.


  2. I think you are probably right. Even though it was absolutely hilarious, it was unrealistic and flipped everything Mattel was working for around.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I agree litdh was super hilarious
        & it targeted other none Barbie watches like myself & my 2 sons😁
        again it was super funny & I find this mattel person should have continued with the seasons, because the rest of Barbie shows are just boring😩 I get that mattel wants to stick to his goal on what he wants, but his goal should also be to please fans & watches especially the new ones, litdh was lit 😎💯
        All the rest of Barbie TV shows are total crap👋😫….


    1. Who cares because it’s unrealistic I love it anyways I love how it was funny and like Barbie was funny and stuff like that but I wish they were more episodes and this is coming from a person who watched this a trillion times and wanting more there’s only 12 episodes


  3. I am not and never was a Barbie type girl. That being said my daughter loves Barbie and I can say LitD is the only Barbie show/movie that I don’t find annoying. I actively watch it with my daughter and enjoy it. I hope Mattel realizes their mistake.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha! I must admit that even I find some Barbie movies annoying as well! I doubt it LitD will return (it’s been quite awhile), but I will be very happy if it did!


  4. My daughter was never into Barbie and I found their movies and new show quite boring. However her and I love watching reruns of LitDH. It’s so funny. She finally asked to buy Barbie’s and enjoys making comedically immagative doll plays. Please they need to nake


  5. The new Barbie is so boring! *Yawn*
    Plus, the animation for LITDH was WAY superior imo. The reality tv show-like filming was top notch and litdh Raquelle was the best thing to ever happen to Mattel.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Definitely agree! Raquelle’s scheming was good in Fashion Fairytale and Fairy Secret, but it was a whole other level in LitD! Absolutely love her. The animation was heaps better too, I agree.


      1. Yes dream house adventures is so stupid it’s literally skipper it’s not the same Barbie in all of the movies she is older as well they can’t just suddenly make her 17 the whole point is that Barbie can do anything but not if she is being a teen that hasn’t Even graduated high school and also everything is boring now it’s like watching the most perfect boring family in the world with dream house Adventure please even my scene Barbie was better


  6. My daughter completely agrees that the new Barbie: Dreamhouse Adventures is boring and lame. Life In The Dreamhouse is better in every way, and Raquelle is the best part! Bring back Life In The Dreamhouse please!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. As far as I’m concerned, LITD was the “swan song” of the Barbie we all knew and loved. I am so glad that I downloaded every episode (plus the extras) because it’s only a matter of time before Mattel irradicates them from the internet. Those who truly got Barbie for what she was, got LITD. Regarding the product line after 2015, well, my mother always said that if you have nothing nice to say, then don’t say anything at all. I guess that comment in itself says it all. Barbie 1959 – 2015.


  8. I know and it’s so sad because barbie life in the dream house was much more entertaining than the new version and it’s so sad that they got rid of so many characters like Ryan , Raquel , midge , summer and some more but the worst thing is their voices have changed aswell Mattel got rid of the voice actors who acted all their voices and got new ones so now barbies voice is different and Chelseas and Ken and all the rest 😭😭😭 why though why couldn’t they at least keep the same characters and voices 😟😢😢😢 it’s so sad 😭 bring it back pleeeease


  9. You know what? I say it’s a good call. Barbie: Life In The Dreamhouse is one of the most overrated, mediocre shows I’ve seen. Barbie: Dreamhouse Adventures, as well as all the shows and movies that came after the show ended, are a big step in the right direction.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I believe that the fact that the show was so not relatable made it funny! The characters were actual dolls and Mattel did great making the show from a dolls perspective. Rip Raquel.


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